Privacy Policy


As a customer you are very important to us and so we take steps to ensure that your data stays safe and secure with us.

We only use your data in order to process the orders that you place with us.  We might use your data to contact you to inform you of any relevant changes to our site and occasionally to make you aware of any issues with your order(s). We do not do unsolicited mailings to our customers in any form whatsoever and that includes, 'surveys', 'newsletters' or anything else that involves contacting loads of existing customers and annoying them with useless rubbish. No way, Jose. We will not send your data to anyone else. If, for example, MI5/6/Brexiteers decided to capture us and force our hand by, but not exclusively, waterboarding, listening to speeches (or anything) by Boris Johnson or walking barefoot on hot coals the we might relent and hand over everything. Otherwise....NO!

We do collect and store the data that you enter when asked to create an account with us and when you place an order, we know the ip address (the internet connection address), the operating system (what's that ?'s the program that makes your computer/ device/ phone work) and the browser you are using. (That's the app on your device that you use to place the order). WE DO NOT store any bank details/ card details or anything to do with the actual payments made. These are ALL handled by World Pay which is our merchant our bank that processes payments. We use them because they are very secure and very good. (but not cheap....sigh).

If you want to know exactly what data we have on you then please contact our data protection tsar, Jules and he will send you a copy of all the data that we have on you. If you want us to delete it for any reason then we will do so. We delete all customer records that are more than 7 years old anyway, so you could just play the waiting game. Contact His Mightiness, Jules, via email on should you wish to know more.

If you have any issues with our privacy policy then please contact us at the address on the main site. (Provided you are not Boris Johnson, of course).

Our website

You can use any part of the public facing website but we do ask that you respect our rights.  If you want to copy anything that is there then please do so and if, in good conscience, you can provide an acknowledgement then that would be be appreciated.  If you are unsure about what we mean then contact us.

Imperial Sports Limited. April,2018

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